Every place in the United States applies its own tax rates to your purchases. Going shopping, you never know how much youll be charged in the end. Not anymore.
• Create a purchase list in a way you love to create lists on your mobile device. Tap "Add" button on the keyboard to create a new entry. Specify the price for the purchase. Tap the "Discount" button to specify the discount. Create as many entries as you like. Swipe to delete an entry.
• Tap the "Search" button in the navigation bar and find the desired location by city name, county, state, or ZIP code. Identify your current location automatically by tapping the "Location" button. And dont worry about your phone bill - no internet connection is required.
• Tap the "Return" button and see how much youll pay depending on the specified location, including all the details: how much your purchases cost, how much youll save considering the specified discounts, how much tax youll pay, and what is the total amount youll be charged for.